The thing that I learned form the individual program that I can add onto the JPL program is that all inventions had many iterations before they became what they are today. This shows us that we just have to improvise and revise our ideas until they can be the very best that they can be. Another thing that I can use that I learned, is that it sometimes really does take multiple people to make a single idea. which is good cause there are ten heads working it rather than one or two.
The thing that is going well is that we already have our idea and we know what to get and what to make. The thing that isn't going well is that theres not really and coordination so people dont know what to do. So it ends with some people working on the file and most doing something unrelated. What might help solve this is more leadership. Either that or group meetings.
Some problems that I foresee in the upcoming weeks are that our idea will fail for a few reasons. The first reason is that we will have just built it wrong. The second reason is that because of the lack of coordination, we will not have team project. The third reason is that the motor will not be strong enough. But if we can overcome these I am sure we will win.
In my life right now there is not too much going on. I won a TKD tourney recently and also Zlatan Ibrahimovic gave us free tickets to his game cause me and him are tight now. Other than that its just a repetition of school until I get home which is 4-ish. then training from 6 to 10. and then homework and studying until anywhere between 12 to 3 am and then waking up again at 5 to go to school and continue the cycle. The three APs im taking are giving me stress but I can manage by completely cutting out my personal life to make time.